Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Reader's Blog: The Tell-Tale Heart

Pg. 303

     "Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded- with what caution- with what foresight- with what dissimulation I went to work!"

-If only I could quote the ENTIRE short story, I would. I just absolutely love Poe's work, and yes, the gif up top is totally (for once) relevant. His work's just- it's utterly insane and completely sick, but it's the way that he portrays this craziness amuses me Now with this quote, we see exactly how crazy he is, even though he's trying to get us to believe otherwise. I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this story categorizes him as messed up in the head, but in a sense, he's too crazy to really be crazy. If he were crazy, he just would have killed the old man right then and there, but no. He actually went and took care of the old man, and then killed him. Crazy people couldn't have done that. It takes not only patience but also brain power to come up with that kind of thing. I think he's a sick and twisted genius.

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