Sunday, November 18, 2012

Reader's Blog; Bridal Ballad

Pg. 976

           "And thus the words were spoken, And thus the plighted vow,  And, thought my faith be broken, And, though my heart be broken, Behold the golden keys That proves me happy now!"

- Ok can we just admire the little picture I found? It made me laugh that that really is Poe. Reading who knows what but he's reading! Anyways, this quote. I chose to write about it this time because I like this poem a lot. I like how the bride (the speaker of this poem) is torn between being happy and pretending she's happy. In this excerpt, she speaks about how she's not happy, how she's broken and doesn't believe in what I assume is happiness, yet she feels like she should be happy because she's married. Kind of gets me wondering when we feel like this as well in our daily lives.

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