Friday, January 25, 2013

Reader's Blog; Cry, The Beloved Country

pg. 33

"Stand unshood upon it, for the ground is holy, being even as it came from the creator. Keep it, guard it, care for it, for it keeps men, guards men, cares for men. Destroy it and man is destroyed."

- I really liked this quote because I thought that it had a message that could be interpreted differently by different people. Like for me, I think that it's saying that if you destroy holy land, or just even nature itself, then people, or man kind would be destroyed. That's the way I see it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reader's Blog; 2NE1's "It Hurts

"You wear the shoes I gave you and walk along the streets with her
As if it were nothing, you kiss her
You spray the cologne I gave you and embrace her
You'll probably repeat those promises you made to me with her"

- As I read these lyrics, I couldn't help but think that they sing what most people think after a break up and when they see their ex with another person; that they'll eventually go through the same pain I'm going through.They see themselves now and look at their ex loving another, unable to grasp the idea that someone else took their spot. This song speaks the truth that most people are thinking, and that's what really attracted my attention to it.

Reader's Blog; BEAST's "Thanks To"

"Yeah, the ones who let the unworthy, six fools stand on stage
The ones who placed the utmost precious microphone into our hands, was you, and so
Today, I'm still rocking' this stage, I'm flying like a g6
It feels just like I'm flying in the sky
Like I've fallen into a happy dream, like a child, flying through the air with our hands clasped you and me together"

-  The reason I really like this song is because it's not just another one of their random singles about love or break ups. This song is about them being thankful for being given this opportunity to sing on stage and be the celebrities they are now. They dedicate this song to the fans, the ones who fell in love with their music so much to keep them motivated to keep going forward in writing more songs. They talk about how they feel like it's a dream, and how they are just over all grateful for having this chance at stardom.

Reader's Blog; EXO's "Into Your World; Angel"

"I'm spinning through days,
Stuck in the days, I hope not to face.
It's like I'm the last one off the stage
And there's no music left to play, so I'm lost!
Like an open wound that's never gonna heal,
You're the only thing in my world that is real... "

  This particular quote from this song really caught my attention because it has a lot of imagery. In the third and fourth lines, it talks about being lost like a performer on stage with no music, no cue of what to do next. It also has similes when it brings up the open wound idea. To me, this song really does a good job of emphasizing how you can be lost or feel that way when you don't have the one that makes you feel "complete" by your side.

Reader's Blog; B1A4's "Tried To Walk"

"Even though it hurts, I’m relieved
Even this feeling is too burdensome to me
You’re looking at me nervously, like a whining child
Your tears are holding onto my shoulders that have turned away
Saying goodbye is sweet but I’m okay even if it hurts
I take my foot out from your shadow
I take off our ring too
We're growing apart bit by bit, you're disappearing little by little,
Don’t hate me because it’ll hurt too much baby"

- When I read the English version of the song, (because the music video wasn't really telling me anything other than Korean men are extremely good looking.), I got a better understanding of it.Yet another break up song, but this one actually.. makes me feel as if I were the one that they broke up with you know? Basically they're singing about how they should just walk away and move on, that they shouldn't hate them because it will only make it hurt more. Songs like these really stand out to me because normally a break up isn't taken like this when it's made into a song. Usually you have the whole "You're a piece of trash I don't need someone like you in my life" kind of song, but these songs don't say that. They tell their loved ones to go live a better life without the pain they'll eventually cause them.

Reader's Blog; BIGBANG's "Haru Haru"

"Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and just live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you, so only take the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand it in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
Day by day it fades away"

- This song really stands out to me, not only because the song and video make me cry due to how much emotion was put into it, but also because of the message the song has in its lyrics. Basically, the song is meant for a break up, but it has a kind of positive meaning. The speaker's telling his ex lover that they deserve better, and that they should go find what would really be beneficial to them, even if it's killing the speaker to say so. They only want what's best for their loved one, and sadly that's not them.The speaker tells them that they should smile and go on about their lives like nothing happened, and that they'll pray for them to find their happily ever after. This really makes me think of how break up songs are here in America, and how different they are (AKA, Taylor Swift's "We're never getting back together" )

Reader's Blog; EXO's "Baby Don't Cry"

"Baby don’t cry, tonight
When the dark night lit up
Baby don’t cry, tonight
Just treat it as if nothing happened
You will never be like foam
Don’t you know that
So baby don’t cry, cry
My love will protect you and never let go"

- This song always somehow manages to make me cry whenever I hear it. When I finally learned what EXO was saying in their lyrics, I couldn't help but be overcome with all these emotions. First of all,  this song is about the original Little Mermaid story, you know, the one where the mermaid and the prince didn't have a happily ever after. The mermaid was told by the sea witch to kill the prince in order to remain human forever, or else she'd turn into foam by sundown. The mermaid went, but was unable to kill the man she loved, so she turned into foam and died. In this song, EXO sings it from the perspective of the prince, telling the mermaid that he'll protect her by dying, so she wont turn into foam and die herself. It's the unfortunate tale of star crossed lovers who are unable to be with one another.