Sunday, September 9, 2012

Assignment 2; Losing Faith

I'm going to give a brief summary of the last part of the book just because I can.
Basically, Brie finds out that Faith and Celeste were in a religious cult with Reena. Celeste didn't pull through so Faith was left alone with Reena and her crazy boyfriend, Nathan. Celeste, Brie, Alis, and Tessa formulate a plan where Celeste and Brie join the cult and are brought up to the same mountain where Faith died. After getting the information about Faith's death - how she didn't want to continue on with the cult and was pushed off due to Reena's blind rage-, Brie and the others are saved by the cops who arrest Nathan and Reena. Tessa and Brie become best friends and a small romance starts up between Alis and Brie. THE END.

A quote that really stuck out at me was,
"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship."
This one sticks out at me because it's basically the problem for the first half of the book; sacrificing yourself for religion. Brie thinks that Faith committed suicide for God, and tries to prove that idea wrong.

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