Friday, September 28, 2012

Reader's Blog; Kite Runner

Pg. 46

         "I wished I too had some type of scar that would beget Baba's sympathy. It wasn't fair. Hassan hadn't done anything to earn Baba's affections; he'd just been born with that stupid harelip."

I have many conflicting feelings about this quote.
For one, I can see why Amir is jealous of Hassan. I mean, after all, it "was" Amir's dad, so naturally he should get some lovin' from him, right? So to see that the "servant" was getting more attention that his actual son would be pretty upsetting.
But then again, I can think about it from another point of view and just all that comes to mind is "Amir, dude, you have to calm down." It's always going to be his father in the end, but can't he just let Hassan have this one win? And on his birthday of all days.
Amir's the type of character that I want to both hug and hit with a shovel. This kid....

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