Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Reader's Blog; Kite Runner

Pg.  20

       "Of course, marrying a poet was one thing, but fathering a son who preferred burying his face in poetry books to hunting...well, that wasn't how Baba had envisioned it, I suppose. Real men didn't read poetry- and God forbid they should ever write it! Real men- real boys- played soccer just as Baba had when he had been young. Now that was something to be passionate about."

- When reading the book, I kind of understood why his dad was a bit disappointed with how much his son's personality differed from his own. I mean, it's his only son, what dad wouldn't want his son to come out like him? Especially one described like how Baba is. But then again, there's the whole thing about accepting your child for who they are, and that's a big value for me. For someone like Baba, those values maaay be a little bit different.And then the whole thing about soccer. In my mind, while reading this, all I could think was, "If he likes poetry and is nothing like you, what on Earth makes you think that he'd like soccer?" Maybe that's just my way of thinking things, but it just didn't make sense to place the kid in soccer.

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