Friday, September 28, 2012

Reader's Blog: Kite Runner

Pg. 46

          "I knew that when doctors said it wouldn't hurt, that's when you knew you were in trouble. With dread, I remember my circumcision the year prior. The doctor had given me the same line, reassured me it wouldn't hurt one bit. But when the numbing medicine wore off later that night, it felt like someone had pressed a red hot coal to my loins. Why Baba waited until I was ten to have me circumcised was beyond and one of the things I will never forgive him for."

-Even though I'm not a boy, I feel real bad for Amir. I've hear a lot of stories (don't ask why) about circumcisions and apparently they're....pretty bad. I wrote down this quote not to talk about how gross the topic is and say things like "Ewww! Why would the author bring that up!?". Nu uh. I wrote it down because it reminded me of what the boys in Turkey go through. At 10 years of age or so, boys get a big party thrown for them, and next thing they know, they're off to get circumcised. I thought it related to each other so why not?

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