Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reader's Blog; Kite Runner

Pg. 34

        " It appeared that on the same night I had learned about one of writing's objectives, irony, I would also be introduced to one of its pitfalls: the Plot Hole. Taught by Hassan, of all people. Hassan, who couldn't read and had never written a single word in his entire life. A voice, cold and dark, suddenly whispered in my ear, What does he know, that illiterate Hazara? He'll never be anything but a cook. How dare he criticize you?"
- My first time reading this went a little like this: "Oh WHOAH WHOAH WHOAAA THERE, AMIR. Hassan's your BEST FRIEND. Why are you going around thinking stuff like that??? So who cares if he out smarted you? You poopoo head!" But then once I calmed down from my rage and stopped ranting, I thought about it more and realized that I would have probably thought something somewhat similar to what Amir was just thinking. I mean, we all have that horrible little voice inside our heads that says mean things, so I can't really judge Amir too much on this. Although I do think he went a little too far with the whole illiterate Hazara comment.

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