Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reader's Blog; Kite Runner

Pg. 38

          "His word was law, and if you needed a little legal education, then those brass knuckles were just the right teaching tool. I saw him use those knuckles once on a kid from the Karteh-Char district. I will never forget how Assef's blue eyes glinted with a light not entirely sane and how he grinned, how he grinned as he pummeled that poor kid unconscious."

-This quote just made me think of how sick and just completely insane some people can be. Assef may be just a character in the book that's meant to terrorize Amir and Hassan, but when you just think about it, there are actually some people that do things like beat up others or even worse just for the pure thrill of it. That's pretty sick and demented if you ask me.

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